Sunshine Blogger Award

I’d like to thank Blanca for nominating me! :)) Do make sure to check her blog out as well,it’s absolutely amazing,and so so insightful. When you least expect it,small things like these,give you so much joy. Appreciation like this,makes me want to keep blogging and sharing my perspective with the world,so thank you :))

The questions asked by Blanca were:

  1. Describe your blog in short:

Ans: I like to call my blog a memory blog,as whatever I post here,is unfiltered me. If after a few years,I want to look at how I was when I was 14,I’ll have my whole memory box ready. Everything that I wanted to share,shared with the world,compiled in a small place. My blog is all about my perspective. If you want to read it in detail,just click here!

2. 3 words to describe yourself

Ans: I’m going to be honest,I’ve really tried explaining myself in a nutshell,and it would be so easier if I could do so,but it’s always so difficult. But what I can think of right now is- curious,kind,sensitive.

3. What do you do other than blogging?

Ans: Well,i’m just the average 14 year old. It’s school and stress. But other than that, I run a Non-Profit Mental Health Service,known as adolpsyche. It’s pretty new,but i’m working on increasing the community. I also play district level basketball,but due to the current situation,that’s a no go! I like doing charity work,crowdfunding,I’m a certified super campaigner for Habitat for Humanity as well.

4. Favourite Quote?

Ans: Ah,there are just so many. But the first one that comes to my mind is-

β€œNo, it’s not, Holmesy. You pick your endings, and your beginnings. You get to pick the frame, you know? Maybe you don’t choose what’s in the picture, but you decide the frame.”
― John Green, Turtles All the Way Down

All quotes from Turtles All The Way Down,are close to my heart :))

That was it for the questions. Given below are my nominees:

Planet Ayushi 16



Hemalatha Ramesh

Vincent Ehindero

Rules of procedure:

  1. Let the people you’ve nominated know that you’ve done so.
  2. Ask them 4-5 questions,that they’d have to answer.
  3. Tag the person who’s nominated you,in your post.
  4. Answer the questions that I will be asking you.

My questions for my nominees are:

  1. What inspired you to make your own blog?
  2. Your bucket list?
  3. Favourite quote?
  4. Your idol,and why?

That’s it for this post,thank you so much for reading! :)),I’m truly grateful for all the support! :))


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